Monday, August 20, 2007

oh, techmologee. keep the change.

so anyone who knows me well knows i dislike putting stuff in my pockets. i know pockets are there to hold stuff but i just hate overstuffed pockets. even more, i hate jingly-jangly stuff in my pockets, keys, but mainly COINS.
i told you that story to tell you this one.
i like technology. uh, no. i LOVE technology. there has to be something in the male genetic makeup that causes this techno-lust. my latest techno-crush is on the treat vending machines at school. why? i no longer have to keep change in my pocket or backpack. thanks to modern techmologee the goodie boxes take credit and debit cards now. oh how sweet it is. one sweet step closer to a coin less utopia.
now if i can just get my apartment complex to install card swipers on the washers and dryers.


Tannertrue said...

I just throw my change in the trash.

f*bomb. said...

Woah-ho-ho! I only WISH I were so incredibly fortunate to simply THOW my money away!!! But nay- I save it. Every penny. Won't even give it to one of Jerry's kids. Why? Because I hate wastefulness as well as small children. Especially sick ones.

As for technology, I've already decided to get rid the Blackberry. I can barely make a phone call, let alone drive and talk with that thing.